Property finder in UK

Britaly SM & Partners ltd allows you to collaborate with the best property finder in the UK, based on your needs.

And we are not limited to the London market, in fact our intermediaries work in the United Kingdom, Italy, France and Spain.

agente immobiliare in Uk

The characteristics which allow a property finder in the UK to offer a personalized service for their clients are:

  • Excellent knowledge of the real estate market trends of their area of competence;
  • Valid network of relationships.

These are the fundamental characteristics we look for in our property finders in Londonand in the rest of the United Kingdom, in order to offer an always personalized service to our clients.

The advantage of a property finder who speaks Italian in the UK is the possibility to a have a reference point on the field when looking for a new property to invest in.

Moreover, their work does not stop in the moment the right property is found. The property intermediary will also have the function of mediator in the negotiation and in the definition of the property sale’s contract.


Property finder

The cost of a property finder in London can vary based on the area and type of accommodation you are looking for. In general, it can be possible to say that a property finder requires a certain percentage on the final price of the property; however it is necessary to consider that usually they will require a deposit to cover the research cost.

The job of a property finder is mainly to suggest properties to their clients, offering a personalised consultancy based on the client’s needs. Their initial work, in fact, will be to understand the needs and requirements of the clients.

When you start looking for a property in the UK, the first aspect that highlight the difference from the Italian market is the concept of leasehold, as well as the one of freehold. Our property finders will be able to precisely explain to you the difference between these two property groups. To briefly summarise, it is possible to say that the differences are on the right that the buyer has on the land over which the property is built.

London, as all the big metropolitan areas, is a city in continuous development. It is impossible to give an definitive advice on the best neighbourhood where to buy a property. Based on your needs a property finder in London will have the right solution for you.