Legal English Course

Thanks to Britaly SM & Partners LTD you will have the opportunity to enroll in Legal English Course to improve your speaking, vocabulary, pronunciation and listening!


Are you an Italian lawyer who works or would like to work in the UK, a law student who would like to pursue a career abroad or simply work in the legal field?

Then sign up for the Legal English course!

Improve your speaking, vocabulary, pronunciation and listening by interacting with other professionals like you in a common path.

One meeting per week (Wednesday or Thursday), from 6.30pm to 7.45pm Italian time, for a total of 8 lessons!

Directly on the Zoom platform with qualified teachers, legal interpreters and experts in academic writing.

The services we offer

What do we offer?

Legal English focuses on Speaking, Vocabulary, Pronunciation & Listening. The idea would be to bring together professionals with similar interests.


Where do we offer the Legal English Course?

Via the Zoom platform.


Who are the teachers?

Qualified CELTA teachers, legal interpreters and experts in academic writing.


Who are the students?

Professionals like you so that you can better interact and improve your fluency as well as broaden your vocabulary whilst socialising.


When and how long does the Legal English course last?

Lessons will take place once a week – on a Wednesday or a Thursday – for a total of 8 sessions.

What time? 

From 6.30pm to 7.45pm (Italian time)


Why following a  Legal English Course  with us? 

If you are an Italian lawyer who works or would like to work in the UK, a law student who would like to pursue a career abroad or simply work within the legal field, we can provide the advantage that other, more general courses cannot!

rappresentanza fiscale per soggetti residenti in UK
avvocato italiano in uk

Why Legal English is Important

  • In order to be eligible for the TOLES exam (LEGAL ENGLISH EXAMINATION).
  • For everyday life, in order to fully understand contractual terms, to apply for a mortgage and for more urgent situations.
  • Because it is a more technical English with specific vocabulary.
  • In order to be more confident and advance towards a more precise and nuanced English.
  • Because it is a different system.
  • At the end of the course you will be able to add this experience on your CV under the “Education & Professional Development” section.


Legal English Course

It is also called ‘Legal English’ and is characterised by sectoral terms used in the legal field and for legal issues.

This is why it differs from ‘General English’.

The Legal English course we offer is suitable for all legal professionals, e.g., lawyers, trainees, Law students, paralegal and those who are indirectly involved in the British Legal System.

The entry requirement for the course is to have at least a B1/B2 in General English.


All lessons will be conducted in English with qualified teachers.

The TOLES (Test of Legal English Skills) is a certification of English proficiency that assesses knowledge in the legal field.

TOLES is required internationally by employers such as international business law companies, in-house legal teams of private companies and certified translators.

We will explore the general legal system in the UK together with specific topics such as contracts, legal procedures and roles in the Court.

New terms will be taught in each lesson and put into practice through interactive exercises.